Why “Encore”? Andrew’s story

In 2022, I returned to my hometown of Cleveland, driven by a deep-seated commitment to catalyze economic development, build sustainable businesses, and take bold, asymmetric bets on the future.This journey began with an initial conversation with Jeff Stern and continued with engaging discussions with remarkable founders, funders, and policymakers who share our passion for igniting growth in our region. As the conversations and research evolved, I posed two critical questions often reserved for evaluating founders: “What are we as a region uniquely qualified to build, and why now?" Here’s what emerged:

  • Economic Resilience: Amid global supply chain recalibrations, Ohio’s robust infrastructure and workforce (9th in population, 7th in GDP) stand ready.

  • Technological Integration: The fusion of software, automation, hardware (dare I say even AI?) and manufacturing expertise is driving our region’s emergence as a hub for cutting-edge industrial solutions, where innovation meets tradition to propel industries forward into the digital age.

  • Policy and Legislation: Legislative incentives like The IRA and Chips Act are propelling growth in high-tech manufacturing, creating an environment where policy supports innovation and economic expansion at both local and national levels.

  • Educational and Workforce Development: Investments in technical education are preparing Ohioans to excel in the industries of tomorrow, ensuring our workforce remains adaptable and skilled to meet the demands of evolving technologies and industries.

Today marks a significant milestone as we launch Encore Venture Labs, a venture studio dedicated to honoring our region’s storied industrial heritage while positioning us at the forefront of innovation. We're focused on building companies in advanced manufacturing, the water economy, and clean energy—sectors where potential aligns directly with macro trends. Why "Encore"? Because we have an unparalleled opportunity to create our second act as a globally prominent industrial hub, riding the wave of American dynamism and re-industrialization. I am privileged to collaborate with exceptional investors, visionary founders, and a world-class team.Stay tuned as there are many more updates to come....